A 2018 Saipem Materiality Assessment

Identifying key sustainability topics for long-term value creation and for Saipem strategy support.

Saipem is committed to conducting its business all the while maximising the value it creates and sharing it with its stakeholders.

For this reason, in 2011 we launched a project to assess the consistency of Saipem’s sustainability priorities in relation to our stakeholders’ expectations, to the industry as well as to forward-looking trends. For the 8th year running, we are conducting a Materiality Assessment in order to identify the key issues behind long-lasting business success.

This short questionnaire is divided into different sections:

  • a first part, requiring to identify the most relevant topics for Saipem,
  • a second part, aimed at investigating the awareness of Saipem’s management of key sustainability topics,

  • a third part customised for each stakeholder category and

  • a fourth part focusing on Saipem’s reputation.

For any enquiry about methodology and the disclosure of results, please feel free to contact sustainability@saipem.com