360 feedback survey

Dear colleague, you have been selected to participate in a "360 Feedback Survey".
In this process you are asked to give a feedback on your supervisors, peers and subordinates, which will help them understanding how they are perceived in the workplace, enabling them to develop and improve themselves.

The survey is modelled onĀ  SAIPEM Leadership Model which is based on the following 6 pillars:
Each section of the questionnaire corresponds to a pillar which in turn has two relevant competences which are translated to specific behaviours.

For each section you are asked to express how consistently a specific behavior is applied by the assessed person (always, often, sometimes, rarely, never). Try to remember specific situations in the past when making your assessment. Note that in some areas you may feel you cannot make an assessment. If this is so, you will have the option of answering accordingly (e.g. unable to assess).

For each section an optionalĀ free text feedback is also available.

Please be sure to answer all questions in a honest, constructive and objective manner. All information received is kept strictly confidential.

There are 18 questions in this survey.